AREA: 5.341 km�
POPULATION: 290.283(1990)
DISTRICTS: U�ak (center), Banaz, E�me, Karahall�, Sivasl�, Ulubey.
SITES OF INTEREST: Chief Commander Historical National Park, �evrek�y-Akse and Evrendede forest recreation areas, Blaundos and Sebaste city ruins from antiquity, St. Mauas, Ball�kaya and Delikkaya churches, U�ak Grand Mosque, Burmal� Mosque and �akaloz Mosque, Ali A�a, �imcim and Cank�� fountains, C�landras, Beylerhan, Hal�pazar� bridges and �anl�kk�pr� bridge, �eyh Hac� Kemal Mausoleum, U�ak Archeology Museum, U�ak Atat�rk and Ethnography Museum.
Banaz-Hamam Bo�az�
Tel: (276) 365 51 75 - 365 51 79Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (276) 223 71 00
Fax: (276) 223 59 01
Archeology Museum
Address: Kurtulu� Mah. Do�an Sok. No: 1 - U�ak
Tel: (276) 227 39 30
Ethnography Museum
Bozkurt Mah. Hisarkap� Sok. No: 77 - U�ak
Tel: (276) 227 39 81
Historical Sites and Ruins
U�ak Archeology Museum
Akmoneon - Banaz - Ahat
Sebaste - Sivasl� - Sel�ikler
Blaumdus - Ulubey - S�l�menli
Mesotimalos - E�me - D�zk�y
G�re Tumuluses - G�re
Significant Days
Local Days of Celebration
Anniversary of Atat�rk's Arrival at U�ak
2 September
Freedom from Occupation Days:
Freedom Day - Banaz
Banaz District
31 August
Freedom Day - Sivasl�
Sivasl� District
31 August
Freedom Day - U�ak
1 September
Freedom Day - Ulubey
Ulubey District
2 September
Freedom Day - Karhalli
Karhalli District
2 September
Freedom Day - E�me
E�me District
3 September
Significant Weeks:
U�ak Victory and Freedom Week
26 August-2 September
Strawberry Festival
21-28 May